• 绿窗艳影



    万里(爱德华·罗宾逊 Edward G. Robinson 饰)是一位学识渊博德高望重的大学教授。在当地的俱乐部里,悬挂着一张美女的画像,万里和其他男人一样,被画中的美人深深的吸引着。一天,正当万里站在画像前心猿意马之时,发现画中的那个美人,竟然活生生的出现在了他的眼前,她的名字叫爱丽丝(琼·贝内特 Joan Bennett 饰)。   在爱丽丝的邀请下,万里来到了她的家中,两人开了一瓶酒,准备度过一个浪漫的夜晚。可是,就在这个节骨眼上,爱丽丝的男友破门而入,对万里大发雷霆。扭打之中,万里失手杀死了爱丽丝的男友,这个夜晚发生的种种事情,毁掉了万里的一生。

  • 血红街道



    老实勤恳的克劳斯(爱德华·罗宾逊 Edward G. Robinson 饰)是一名出纳,平日里,他最大的爱好就是画画,然而,克劳斯从来就没有想过靠出售自己的作品赚钱。某日,克劳斯遇见了名叫凯蒂(琼·贝内特 Joan Bennett 饰)的女子,虚荣心的驱使之下,他向凯蒂谎称自己是一名画家。   凯蒂有一个交往多年的男友强尼(丹·德亚 Dan Duryea 饰),对于强尼来说,凯蒂不过只是他谋取利益的工具罢了,而克劳斯则成为了凯蒂的摇钱树。一直对克劳斯的身份有所怀疑的强尼拿着克劳斯的画去卖,没想到居然得到了美术评论家的一致认可,凯蒂更是声称自己就是这些画的作者。克劳斯向凯蒂求婚,却遭到了后者的无情嘲笑,一怒之下,克劳斯起了杀念。

  • 红色的街道




  • 心字已成灰



    John Muller, medical school dropout and brilliant crook, plans a holdup which goes a little bit wrong, and finds vindictive gambler Rocky Stansyck after him. At the end of his tether, he stumbles onto a lucky chance to assume an impenetrable new identity as psychiatrist Victor Bartok. But irony piles on as Muller finds it's out of the frying pan, into the fire.

  • 阴风阵阵1977



    在一场瓢泼大雨之中,孱弱的女子苏西(杰西卡·哈珀 Jessica Harper 饰)孤身一人来到德国,前往那里的芭蕾舞学校学习舞蹈。刚刚抵达的苏西看到一位女子从学校的大门里狂奔而出,口中念念有词,随后消失在了雨幕之中,让苏西没有想到的是,第二天,她便听闻了这位女子的死讯。   很快,苏西便发现这所学校里的同学并不如她想象的那样友善,她的室友更是一个唯利是图的女人,而苏西结交到的唯一一个朋友,竟然同先前死去的女生是好友。在她的口中,苏西听说了学校里女巫作祟诅咒横行的传言,而接连出现的诡异现象亦让苏西慢慢察觉到,在这所阴森的学校中,隐藏着不可告人的秘密。

  • 底片上的女人



    Woman on the Beach is a controversial film noir, an intense psychological drama about the world�s leading artist, recently blinded, who is obsessed with his condition and takes out his frustrations on his beautiful wife. A Coast Guard officer, recuperating from injuries suffered during the war, is drawn into their quiet conflict, and they become locked in an odd symbiotic relationship. This was the last American film by the French screen legend Jean Renoir. Critically panned when first released, the film later developed a cult following by many who consider it an existential masterpiece. A WWII Coast Guard veteran, Lt. Scott Burnett (Robert Ryan), is plagued by nightmares of his combat days. One day, he meets a woman, Peggy Butler (Joan Bennett), walking on a beach, picking up pieces of wood. Butler is married to a grumpy, blind painter, Ted Butler (Charles Bickford). Despite his affections for his fianc�e Eve (Nan Leslie), whose father is a boat builder, Scott falls in love with Peggy and soon breaks off the engagement. Peggy reveals that she blinded her husband years earlier by throwing a glass at him during an ugly spat, ruining his career and her own ambitions to be an upper-class socialite. Scott fears that Ted is suspicious that he is having an affair with Peggy and becomes so paranoid that he begins to believe that Ted is faking his blindness — and sets out to prove it. This was the fifth and final American film by the great French writer-director Jean Renoir.




